sunnuntai 12. kesäkuuta 2011

Story of finding Nemo begins

Now it has started. The sailing season! The episode of putting the boats on water almost took the whole day though. Luckily both of the boats were floating and motors were working and so on. So we were just in time in the harbor before the massive thunder storm. Obviously, nothing always goes as planned when it comes to sailing. When going to the harbor and parking on our place, there was not enough water! The keel hit the bottom before you could hop on shore :D Luckily we could change the place with Dahlia and managed to get enough water under Nemo's keel.

But the warm weather is also gone with the thunder. On the other hand it's nice because now I can breathe and sleep again. There is something majestic about thunder storms. Even though they can be scary if they really hit your route, some kind of weird way I like them. First you wait and wait and wait, the nature is quiet, then the storm suddenly hits. The moment when the storm comes to you is fascinating. You can see the wall of wind and rain coming closer and basically you can do nothing. Afterwards the air is clear again.

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