Two days ago I got a job offer. And I turned it down. I felt such a terrible person, but finally today I really realized that it was definitely the right option! Organizing the flat or staying at someone's sofa for 1,5 months would have been pointless, but the worst thing would have been spending the whole summer in a city. Would have gone mad in this hot weather! I'm more than happy with my part-time writer job and I can set up my office basically anywhere I want. Today it was at the shore of Lake Päijänne. It's also the only place at the moment where I can actually breathe, I'm Finnish, +30C is too much for a northern girl like me! The good thing is that the water temperature is getting warmer too. Today it was actually possible to have a real swim! The water was already +18C which is amazingly warm considering that it is only the beginning of June. Maybe I can have a morning swim tomorrow :)
Nemo is also getting fit for the summer. The sides are now polished (what a work!), motor, solar panel and other stuff are where they should be. Everyting looks working fine now, but I'm sure that when she is finally on the water and we pull up the sails, there is massive hole eaten by mice in the main sail or something similar at least. Waiting for that. But now I'll be just dreaming about smoothly sailing Päijänne in a nice sunny weather, like couple of years ago:
Nemo |
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