tiistai 7. kesäkuuta 2011

Joys of Finnish summer

I've been away from Finnish summer for couple of years now so my memories were already starting to get golden edges. Even though I'm really enjoying the Finnish summer, in some cases the reality already hit me:

1. Mosquitoes. These little suckers can eat you alive in one evening. I don't know what's wrong with this summer but they are heaps and they are massive. And this summer's breed even seems to have some kind of supernatural powers to survive my attempts to kill them! Conclusion: Buy way more mosquito repellent.

2. Wasps. As mosquitoes, also wasps seem to be everywhere where I go this summer. I'm definitely not a fan of these things either (read: I'm terrified) and need to start running in panic if I meet one. Bumblebees don't count though because they don't look as evil and mean as wasps. My last meeting with a wasp was today and as always, didn't go so smoothly. I was peacefully sitting in an outhouse when this evil creature decides to attack me! Obviously I ended up running around the yard my pants still down.

Luckily I've spent almost all my day inside in the cool garage waxing Nemo. In this weather it has been quite nice and relaxing. And the result is super good, she is going to blind everybody in the harbour with her shiny sides and decks! Can't wait to get sailing!    

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